Poly-Kroma 2024: Celebrating Class of 2024

POLY-KROMA 2024OverviewPoly-Kroma is an event that showcases the accomplishments of Art Department students at Cal Poly Pomona in the areas of Visual Communication Design and Fine Art. The event attracts over 200 attendees. 

Deliverables: Alongside a team of 6, we created over 20 deliverables used to advertise the event within the college, as well as to local design industry professionals, and Cal Poly Pomona alumni. 

Timeline: 6 months, from event branding to the opening day of the event

Final Poster Design 
Poly-Kroma consists of three separate exhibitions: the Industry Portfolio Showcase, which features the works of senior Visual Communication Design majors; the 2D3D+ Juried Student Art Show, which is a yearly exhibition of artworks created by Art Department students; and Motion Day, a new event initiated by students who have shown interest in motion graphics and animation.

Social Media Posts

Digital and Print Displays


Display Signage

Text Panels

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©Jade-Krystle Campos