Severance: Depicting A Corporate Zombie Apocalyspe
SEVERANCE by Ling MaBackgroundSeverance is a far cry from your typical action packed zombie apocalypse narrative. Instead, Severance is about a remarkably normal, helpless and emotionally detatched millenial surviving the apocalypse. The redesign was focused on transforming the cover from a conceptual design to an expressive design that utilizes illustration to allude to the monotony of modern work culture during the collapse of modern society.
Target AudienceSeverance is specifically targeted towards avid readers of dystopian literary fiction who are interested in post-apocalyptic themes and social commentary. 
Deliverables:  Front cover, spine, and back cover design for print and digital formats

Timeline: 1 week, including concept development, design iterations, feedback, and finalization

From Remarkably Normal to Expressive:The design of the book was crafted to appeal to a younger demographic, yet there was a disconnect between the themes of Severance and the design of the original covers. The original covers of Severance display two main issues:

1. Ineffective Use of Typography: The typography choices do not convey the tone of the novel and fail to capture the essence of the story.

2. Lack of Symbolism: There are missed opportunities to incorporate visual metaphors that could enhance the reader’s understanding of the novel’s themes and motifs. 
U.S.A. Edition
U.K. Edition, Version 1
U.K. Edition, Version 2

The Process: Severing Old Identities to Build New OnesDuring the brainstorming process, it was important to maintain the modern and minimal appearance of the original book covers while also incorporating themes that were integral to the plot. The initial sketches focused on the metaphorical act of severing, which was a significant element in three key instances. 
Initial Exploration #1: Represents the literal severing of the main character in relation to the metaphorical severing of her identity.
Initial Exploration #2: The repitition of the office cubilces represents the monotony of modern work culture, while the diagonal layout implies the severing of the main character’s corporate life.
Exploration #3: A type exploration that represents the reptition of daily life. The low angle POV alludes to the setting of the story as well as the protagonist’s blog NY Ghost, which is a true reflection of her innermost thoughts.

Imagery and Content Reign Supreme
In the second round of designing the book cover, the goal was to evaluate how the illustrations worked together as a whole. After careful consideration, the first two ideas were selected over the third one, as they more effectively captured the major themes of the novel. This constructive feedback will help to refine the design and ensure that the final product is a true representation of the book's essence.
Exploration #1: The main character’s connection to her homeland is severed when she begins a new life as a first-generation immigrant in the United States.
Exploration #2: The main character has an obsessive commitment to work and dissassociates from the reality of the Shen Fever outbreak by maintaining her daily work routine despite the upheaval of normal life. 

Final Design
The goal of the final design was to improve the overall visual appeal and clarity of the figures. The office workers were changed to a light grey color to reduce the contrast to the red and white background, as a result the composition is more balanced and harmonious. By reducing the contrast between the office workers and the background, the appearance of the central figure in pink is enhanced, resulting in a more impactful and engaging design.

If you are interested in reading Severance by Ling Ma here is a preview of the book!

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©Jade-Krystle Campos